How much is the value of the Millennium Blood Jade? Where can I identify


Blood jade refers to the production of a red jade in the snowy plateau of Tibet. It is called the song of Gongjuema. It is commonly known as the plateau blood jade. It is named for its bright red color.

Another kind of blood jade makes people feel a little scary. It refers not to the kind of jade alone, but to the jade that has penetrated the blood, whether it is jade, Hetian or topaz, as long as it is really transparent. The blood is the blood jade, the formation of blood jade, and the body. When the person is buried, the jade that is the jade is forcibly inserted into the population. If the person is just dead, the jade that was swallowed in one breath is stuffed. When you enter, you will fall into the throat with the gas, and enter the blood vessels. For a long time, the blood will pass through the blood, and the blood will reach the heart. It will form a gorgeous blood jade. This kind of thing often falls in the ingestion of the cockroach, the most precious of all the corpses.


Legend has it that blood jade refers to the jade that has passed through the blood. The blood jade that is now sold is the best white jade in Xinjiang. It is placed under the skin of the lamb through surgery, allowing the blood to penetrate deep into the jade. It is taken out a few years later and is expensive. And rarely seen on the market.

Good quality "blood jade" can easily be auctioned for millions of dollars. Even in the financial shock of 2008, many artworks have fallen sharply, and the "Blood Jade Safety Button" has been on the rise, still growing by 30%. The most sensational thing is that when Hong Kong was filmed in November 2012, a better-looking "blood jade safety buckle" was taken by Shanghai collectors at a high price of 4.8 million yuan. Blood jade gradually became the first in China. A jade has an infinite amount of appreciation space. The "blood jade safety buckle" million can only be used to make a price. In the middle of the product, it is easy to shoot about 5 million.

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